England, Wales, & Scotland Continued

One of the beautiful sandstone buildings in the city of Bath. All of the town's buildings are made of this special sandstone. We were told though, that the quarry is almost finished and they're not sure what they're going to use for future buildings. The town is best known for it's Roman baths. Great if you like the smell of sulphur!
Another view in Bath. I had visited the town in 1998 and toured the Baths then, so this time I decided to walk around and see the other sites the town had to offer. I found out that Jane Austen supposedly lived here.
One more picture taken in Bath. What a beautiful evening! There were hot air balloons everywhere adding to the already picturesque view.
Tintern Abbey, Southeastern Wales
Two pictures taken at Tintern Abbey in Southeastern Wales. The fog and misty rain gave it a wonderful enchanted feeling. The area was surrounded by mountains and I loved the cows grazing on the little farm that butted right up against the abbey's ruins.
Chester, England

Hurray for finding my own personal store in the little town of Chester! Unfortunately it was closed since it was Sunday. I guess I'll just have to take a trip back someday to check it out!
Hadrian's Wall, England
An unplanned diversion led us to Hadrian's Wall out in the middle of no where. I was much more captivated by the countryside than the little museum or the wall. It was blissful to walk barefoot up the hill, skipping through the sheep fields. I highly recommend it!
Edinburgh, Scotland
A picture of Edinburgh Castle and then a view of the city from atop the castle. Edinburgh is hands down one of my most favorite cities in the world. It's hard to even begin to comprehend the history this city has witnessed! When we arrived to sing, there was a Scottish wedding taking place and bagpipers were playing from the castle walls. Quite an entrance!
Sterling Castle
A much smaller castle than Edinburgh, but still amazing. We had a wonderful last concert here! It was an amazing trip!
So one of the biggest surprises of the whole trip was meeting and falling head over heels for an amazing fella. Michael, an incredible countertenor, and I happened to stand by each other during the concerts. It was half-way through the trip that we really started talking and quickly hit it off. He is originally from St. Croix, part of the Virgin Islands, but currently lives in Dallas. Since the trip I've been to Dallas, he's been to Seattle and now I'm back to Dallas at the end of the month to introduce him to the family. Who knows what the future holds!
Katie, it 's great to look at your blog and some of the beautiful pictures over in England. Also , like the looks of Michael!.Hope things turn out good for you!
Oh, Big Lop! I <3 you with my whole <3. You are the cutest, and look like the happiest, too--and you deserve it. :)
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